Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions? We got answers.
What is WebinarNinja?
WebinarNinja makes it easy for you to run professional webinars without the headaches.
What makes WebinarNinja different?
WebinarNinja does what it's supposed to do. We allow you to create and run any kind of webinar without any confusion for you or your attendees. For a detailed list of how WebinarNinja is different from other webinar solutions, visit our all features page.
Do you offer Automated or Evergreen Webinars?
Yes! We include Automated Webinars (aka Evergreen Webinars) with all our plans. Offer a recorded webinar at any pre-prescribed day, time and frequency. For example: offer your recorded webinar every Monday and Friday at 8am for 4 weeks.

Create an Automated webinar with any previous live webinar or any external video file. WebinarNinja allows interactivity with Automated webinars, allowing users to ask questions, answer polls and click on timed offers.
How do I get access to WebinarNinja?
Become a WebinarNinja Member here.
How much is WebinarNinja?
You can learn all about our plans & pricing at our pricing page.
If I choose a plan now, can I upgrade later?
Yes! You can upgrade your plan at anytime right inside your account.
Am I locked into a plan or can I cancel at anytime?
You can cancel your account at anytime right inside your account settings- no questions asked. Plans are monthly or annual and are pre-paid. We do not offer any refunds for any used portions of your subscription.

We offer a free 14-day trial too, so you can try WebinarNinja with no obligation.
Can I run paid webinars?
Yes. WebinarNinja allows you to offer free or paid webinars for any of our webinar types with our simple Stripe integration.
Does WebinarNinja have a built-in chat feature?
WebinarNinja gives you everything you need. Our built-in, lightning-fast, intuitive chat ensures that you and your audience can interact with ease. Hosts can also make the chat inactive at anytime. And if needed, hosts can block a belligerent participant from the webinar.
Can I set up polls with WebinarNinja?
Yes, you can run multiple interactive polls on your webinar and get instant results. You can add multiple answer options too!
Can I add registrants to my webinar myself? 
Add registrants one by one or bulk upload with a spreadsheet all at once! Register your community for a webinar in a few clicks. You can also give someone free access to a paid webinar with this feature.
Can I display an offer on my webinars?
Yes! You can easily create and display offers for your audience at any point during your webinar. You can also show and hide your offer whenever you like. You can even set your offer to display at a specific time during your live or recorded webinar.
Does WebinarNinja record my live webinars?
Yes! All your live webinars are automatically recorded and saved in your account. A webinar replay is automatically offered to your attendees if you like. Everything that happens, and how it happens, on your webinar gets recorded and replayed exactly how it happened live- from the chat conversation, to what screens are displayed, questions, polls and even when you showed your offer.
Does WebinarNinja take care of email notifications to my webinar registrants?
Yes! We take care of all email notifications for you. We have customizable email templates built-in for you to use and edit to your liking.
Does WebinarNinja integrate with email and marketing platforms like Infusionsoft, ConvertKit & MailChimp?
Yes, we have direct integrations with MailChimp, AWeber, Constant Contact, Infusionsoft, HubSpot, ConvertKit, GetResponse, Drip & ActiveCampaign. We also integrate with 1,000+ apps via Zapier
Does WebinarNinja work on mobile devices?
Yes! Attendees can attend webinars on WebinarNinja on mobile devices, both Android and iOS.
Do I need to install any software on my website or computer?
No. WebinarNinja takes care of all the hosting. Members are given a custom branded URL ( where all their webinars will be hosted on our secure servers. All you need is an internet connection and a browser. We recommend Google's Chrome.
Will I need to host my webinars on my site?
No, you won't need to worry about hosting. We are fully-managed and hosted by a high-performance cloud hosting service that automatically scales as your webinars grow in size. All WebinarNinja members are provided with a personally branded URL for their business or brand where all their webinars will be held, i.e.
Do you offer support?
Yes! We offer helpful chat and email support.
Do you offer any tutorials or training materials?
Yes! We provide detailed support tutorials but we go even beyond that. As a member you get a personal orientation training to make sure you create and run your first webinar without a hitch.
Can I customize my WebinarNinja pages in a different language? 
Yes! You can customize your registration and thank you pages, forms, emails, buttons and more in any language you like. Seriously, any language- Spanish, Italian, Arabic, Hebrew, Mandarin- anything! If you can type it, you can use it. 

Having more questions?

We would love to hear from you! The fastest way to contact us directly with your question (or shower us with good vibes) is by using our support messenger, right here on the bottom right hand corner of the screen. Or you can email us at

Ready to become a webinar ninja?