How to Get More Customers With Webinars

How to Get More Customers With an Automated Webinar System

Using webinars to get more customers for your courses, products, or services involves strategic planning, engaging content delivery, and effective follow-up.

Here are 4 steps that will help you set up this automated webinar system:

Strategic Planning & Decisions

Understand your ideal customers, their needs, challenges, and the solutions they are seeking. This will guide the content of your webinar. Choose the right topic that attracts interest and promises actionable value. Design your webinar to engage attendees throughout the session. This includes a clear introduction, a detailed body where the main content is delivered, and a compelling conclusion that leads to a call to action.


The pre-production phase involves identifying all the necessary components for a successful production. Key elements include the setup of automated emails, creating and scheduling video content, and integrating these elements into the webinar. Understanding each part of the system and how they interact will equip you to manage and execute your automated webinar. Pre-production also includes working on your presentation slides, ensuring they're well organized and easy to comprehend.

Registration Page & Video

The registration page is the initial engagement point where attendees sign up, setting the entire automated process in motion. The primary focus is optimizing the registration page for lead capture—specifically, collecting names and email addresses. This optimization ensures that all elements on the page are geared toward encouraging sign-ups without distractions. In addition, make sure you have a high-quality introductory video presented on this page.

Marketing & Follow-Up

This stage is critical for attracting participants to your webinar and ultimately converting them into paying customers. Various free and paid marketing tactics can be utilized to maximize the reach and effectiveness of your webinar. Equally important is the follow-up process. Effective follow-up ensures that potential revenue opportunities are not missed.

Why Automated Webinars Work

Automated webinars are a powerful tool in digital marketing, serving multiple strategic purposes that contribute significantly to business growth. Here's why they are so effective:

Automated Trust Building
Automated Trust Building

The foundation of any successful business interaction is trust. Automated webinars build trust because they allow you to deliver consistent, valuable content around the clock without the limitations of scheduling live sessions.

Brand Affinity
Brand Affinity

From the moment someone registers, through each follow-up email and during the webinar itself, they are engaged with your brand. This repeated exposure helps establish your brand as credible and trustworthy, facilitating a deeper connection with potential customers.

Email List Building Machine
Email List Building Machine

Automated webinars are an exceptional tool for growing your email list. Unlike traditional methods that may offer less direct value (like downloading an eBook), webinars provide a compelling reason for attendees to share their contact information.

More Attendees
More Attendees

While live webinars have their benefits, they cannot match the reach of automated webinars. Automated formats do not suffer from the constraints of specific time slots; they can attract and accommodate viewers at any time, leading to a greater overall number of attendees.

Ongoing Sales
Ongoing Sales

One of the most significant advantages of automated webinars is their ability to drive sales continuously. Once the system is set up and the content is created, it can repeatedly generate sales without further intervention.

10 Best Practices to Get More Customers Through Webinars

  • Provide Real Value

    The content should educate the audience, provide new insights, or offer practical strategies they can apply immediately. The goal is to establish your expertise and the value of your products or services.

  • Engage Your Audience

    Use interactive elements like Q&A sessions, polls, and quizzes to keep the audience engaged. This interaction provides valuable insights into the audience’s preferences and pain points.

  • Professional Presentation

    Ensure the webinar is presented professionally, with high-quality audio and visuals. This professionalism reflects the quality of your brand and offerings.

  • Automated Webinar Tools

    Utilize a robust automated webinar platform that allows you to schedule and run webinars without being present live. This technology should handle registrations, reminders, and follow-ups automatically.

  • Seamless Integration

    The webinar platform should integrate smoothly with your other tools, such as email marketing software and customer relationship management systems, to streamline the process and enhance lead nurturing.

  • Timely Follow-Up

    Send a follow-up email within 24 hours of the webinar to thank participants, provide additional resources, and remind them of the call to action. Personalize these communications to increase conversion rates.

  • Nurture Leads

    Not all webinar attendees will convert immediately. Implement a lead nurturing program that delivers ongoing value through targeted content, further webinars, and personalized outreach.

  • Compelling Call-to-Action

    Your webinar should naturally lead to a strong call to action, such as signing up for a trial, scheduling a consultation, or making a purchase. Make the next steps clear and easy to follow.

  • Special Offers

    Consider providing webinar-exclusive offers to incentivize immediate action. This could be discounts, bonuses, or exclusive content that adds immediate value.

  • Measure and Optimize

    Regularly analyze the performance of your webinars to understand what works and what doesn’t. Look at attendance rates, engagement metrics, and conversion statistics. Use this data to refine your approach and improve future webinars.

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