
Relayer Benefits is a finance organization specializing in safe money products and investment strategies. Led by President Mark Jacobson, the company focuses on providing clients with secure alternatives for their investments. With a dedicated team, Relayer Benefits offers insights into retirement and tax-free strategies, helping clients make informed decisions about their financial futures. They have successfully managed millions in client assets, offering tailored solutions to meet individual financial goals.


The global pandemic threw Relayer Benefits, a financial organization known for its safe money products and investment strategies, a curveball. Their core business model relied heavily on in-person presentations held in restaurants, which became impossible overnight. Mark Jacobson, the president, faced the challenge of reaching existing clients and introducing new ones to retirement and tax-free strategies without the ability to host live events.


To navigate the "new normal," Relayer Benefits adopted WebinarNinja. This virtual platform offered several features that facilitated a smooth transition to online presentations:

  • Flexible Webinar Formats: WebinarNinja provided the versatility to conduct both pre-recorded and live webinars, catering to their specific needs.
  • Recordings & Replays: Mark could record his presentations, allowing the team to upload them for clients who preferred the convenience of virtual attendance.
  • Interactive Features: The platform facilitated audience engagement through built-in survey tools and the ability to offer materials at the webinar's conclusion.
  • Cost-Effective & User-Friendly: Affordability and ease of use were key factors in choosing WebinarNinja, ensuring a smooth and efficient shift to online operations.


WebinarNinja proved instrumental in Relayer Benefits not only maintaining but even growing their business during the pandemic:

  • Uninterrupted Sales: "We didn't experience a sales slump during the pandemic like most businesses," reported Mark. "We simply pivoted to the virtual world."
  • Client Convenience: Clients appreciated the flexibility of choosing between live, in-person presentations (when possible) and virtual webinars, ensuring continued access to information in their preferred format.
  • Enhanced Interaction: The ability to monitor live sessions and directly communicate with attendees during webinars ensured Relayer Benefits could maintain a personal touch and high level of service.
  • Sustained Growth: Over four years of using WebinarNinja, Relayer Benefits has successfully adapted to changing circumstances. The platform's features have allowed them to continue delivering valuable financial advice and services to their clients.

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