Success Story Interview: Two health & wellness coaches use webinars to grow their community

Wellness Coaches the MerryMaker Sisters

Emma and Carla, a.k.a. The MerryMaker Sisters, used webinars to help build a supportive, judgement-free community for health and fitness programs with a focus on self-acceptance.

What's your mission?

Our overall mission is to inspire people to accept themselves, respect their bodies, and move and nourish their body as an act of joy rather than punishment.

How did you get started?

In 2012 we were both working in soul-sucking jobs we hated. We both had terrible body image, and were obsessed with dieting and exercise. Although we were positive…we knew there was something more to this life thing.

We started sharing recipes on Instagram, and quickly built a following. We shared blog posts and recipes every week, started a podcast, created eBooks, wrote hard copy recipe books, made a recipe app called Get Merry, and ran online programs.

When we completed our Yoga and Pilates teacher training for personal development and fun, we could feel this was where we needed to put more of our energy.

How have webinars helped build your brand?

When we pivoted the business to Yoga and Pilates online programs, we knew we needed a different marketing channel. In early 2019, we created our online Yoga, Pilates and Meditation Studio.

We used webinars as part of our paid programs to host interviews with health experts. We also run free live Yoga/Pilates classes and masterclasses as opt-ins.

What's your favorite thing about WebinarNinja?

We tried so many other webinar software before we found WebinarNinja. By far…it's the easiest to use!

What's your ultimate goal?

Our ultimate goal is the spread the joy, and inspire people to accept themselves and treat their bodies with respect. The most impactful way we do this is through our MerryBody Online Studio. Unlike other online workout classes, there is no judgement about weight, progress or ability. Everyone is welcomed and celebrated.

Right now we have over 540 members and counting. We'd love to grow this amazing community to over 3,000 in the coming years.

Where can people find out about your next webinar?

We hang out a lot on Instagram. You can find us @themerrymakersisters. We'd love to hear from you!

You can also stay up to date with everything we're doing and be the first to know about our webinars when you sign up at

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