
Founded by Gavin Tye, a seasoned B2B SaaS sales expert with over 20 years of experience, we understand the unique challenges businesses face in today's competitive landscape. Sales Market Fit isn't about generic sales strategies. We take a deep dive into your specific business and target market, helping you develop a winning strategy that attracts qualified leads, showcases your value proposition effectively, and ultimately drives sustainable business growth. Let us be your guide on the path to sales success.

The Challenge

As the founder of Sales Market Fit, I help companies align their sales strategy with their target market's buying journey. In the past, connecting with my ideal clients – founders – on LinkedIn proved to be a challenge. My outreach wasn't resonating, and I needed a better way to attract them.

On top of that, webinars seemed like a great lead generation strategy, but previous platforms I used were expensive and clunky. Setting them up took forever, making it difficult to run them frequently.

"I was stuck sending messages on LinkedIn. It just wasn't working. My target market had changed, and I needed a way to connect with them on a deeper level." - Gavin Tye

Solution - Webinars Became My Lead Magnet

The solution came in the form of well-crafted webinars. I decided to offer valuable content on topics relevant to founders, like creating demand instead of just selling. This positioned me as an expert and attracted my target audience.

The key to making webinars work was finding the right platform. WebinarNinja stood out because it was affordable and user-friendly. Setting up webinars became a breeze, allowing me to focus on creating compelling content.

"Webinars allowed me to share my expertise with founders. I could offer them valuable content on topics they cared about, like 'Don't Sell, Create Demand.' This helped me build trust and establish myself as an authority figure." - Gavin Tye

Result - Turning Webinars into High-Value Leads

The results have been fantastic. My webinars are successfully generating qualified leads. Just recently, a single webinar converted a lead with a potential value of $20-25k! That's a huge win for my business.

With WebinarNinja, I can easily run more frequent webinars, potentially doubling my current rate. This opens up the possibility for even greater lead generation in the future. WebinarNinja has been a game-changer for my business, allowing me to connect with my ideal clients and turn them into high-value leads.

"I'm excited to run more webinars in the future. With WebinarNinja, it's easy to scale up my efforts and reach a wider audience. I'm confident that this will lead to even greater success for Sales Market Fit." - Gavin

We Believe Software Should Make You Happy

We are building a 100-year company with awesome human support

We are building a 100-year company with a mission to DELIGHT customers. People think we’re crazy to offer phone, chat, and email support. We still do it. When it comes to awesome support & building delightful software, we go the distance - try it, and you will love it.