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What Are Pre-Recorded Webinars: Types & Platforms

Do you feel like your live webinars aren’t reaching everyone in your audience? You’re not wrong. It can lead to frustration for both the host and the potential learners.

But what if you could offer the valuable content of your webinars without being hemmed in by time zone barriers and scheduling conflicts? This is where a pre-recorded webinar can help! 

In this post, we’ll explore the benefits and types of pre-recorded webinars, how to host one, plus, a list of pre-recorded webinar platforms.

What is a Pre-Recorded Webinar?

A pre-recorded webinar is a webinar that is recorded in advance and made available for on-demand viewing. Unlike live webinars, pre-recorded webinars allow presenters to deliver their content without the constraints of real-time interaction.

This format offers flexibility to viewers, who can access the material at their convenience, and to presenters, who can reach a wider audience without scheduling conflicts. Presenters can also edit and refine the webinars for clarity and quality. 

Pre-recorded webinars can cover various topics and are often used for training, education, marketing, and information dissemination.

What is the Difference Between Live and Pre-Recorded Webinars?

The main difference between live and pre-recorded webinars is their delivery and interaction.

Live webinars happen in real time with room for immediate interaction between instructors and learners through Q&A sessions, polls, and live feedback. This real-time engagement can enhance the learning experience, making it more dynamic and interactive. 

On the other hand, pre-recorded webinars are recorded in advance so learners can access the content at their convenience. This format ensures consistency in content delivery and can be accessed repeatedly. While it lacks real-time interaction, it is more flexible for users with varying schedules.

Here are the key differences between the two webinars : 

Feature Live Webinars Pre-Recorded Webinars
Delivery Real-time Recorded in advance
Interaction Immediate, with live Q&A and feedback No real-time interaction
Flexibility Scheduled at specific times Accessible anytime
Consistency May vary due to live nature Consistent content for all viewers
Engagement High, due to live interaction Lower, lacks immediate engagement
Accessibility Limited by time zones and schedules Accessible to a global audience anytime
Content Quality May vary based on live delivery Can be edited for high-quality
Scalability Limited to the capacity of the platform Can reach a large audience easily

What Are the Benefits of Pre-Recorded Webinars?

Live webinars were fantastic, but they came with limitations. Spending weeks crafting the content was exhilarating, but the pressure of a single live session could be intense. 

Tech glitches or low attendance could derail the entire experience.

Pre-recorded webinars, however, have transformed the training experience. Here’s what I got to learn:

Increased Flexibility

Gone are the days of rigid scheduling. I can now record the webinar at my convenience, ensuring I deliver the content at my peak. 

This also eliminates time zone headaches – my European audience can access the training during their workday, while those in Asia can view it at leisure.

Global Reach

Pre-recorded webinars have demolished geographical barriers. My content is no longer confined to a specific time slot. 

It’s now readily available 24/7, allowing a truly global audience to access the information. 

Enhanced Engagement

While pre-recorded, the sessions are far from passive. I can integrate polls, quizzes, and pre-recorded responses to frequently asked questions. This keeps the audience involved and helps me tailor future content to their needs. 

Top-performing webinars often achieve an average conversion rate of 19%. Among visitors to your webinar landing page, 51% typically sign up immediately, and 36% of those registrants will attend the webinar.

Time Efficiency

A pre-recorded webinar frees up valuable time. I no longer wait for live attendees to arrive. This allows me to focus on creating even more informative content, deliver personalized coaching, or simply catch up on much-needed rest (trainers are human, too!).

Pre-recorded webinars have become a cornerstone of my training strategy. It’s a win for me and, ultimately, a win for everyone involved.

What Are the Types of Pre-Recorded Webinars?

Let’s explore the different formats pre-recorded webinars can take to meet your specific needs:

1. Automated Webinars

These are pre-recorded webinars scheduled to run without the host needing to be present. They often include pre-programmed interactions, like polls or quizzes, to keep the audience engaged.

  • When to Use: This is ideal for regular content delivery, such as training sessions or product demonstrations, where consistency and automation are key.

    How to Use: Set up the webinar recording, including your presentation and desired interactive elements. Schedule it to run automatically at designated times.

  • Why Use It: Saves time and resources by automating repetitive tasks, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your content strategy. It also ensures consistent delivery of your message.

2. On-Demand Webinars

These interactive presentations are available instantly upon registration. Attendees can watch the webinar at their own pace and convenience.

  • When to Use: When you want to provide immediate access to valuable content, such as educational tutorials or product demos.
  • How to Use: Make the webinar recording available on your website or landing page after registration.
  • Why Use It: Offers flexibility to the audience, removes friction in content delivery, and allows viewers to revisit the information as needed.

3. Evergreen Webinars

This type of pre-recorded webinar remains relevant over time and can be accessed repeatedly. They’re ideal for topics that don’t require frequent updates.

  • When to Use: For timeless content that offers lasting value, such as industry overviews or core company principles.
  • How to Use: Record the webinar focusing on topics with long-term value and minimal need for updates.
  • Why Use It: Maximizes the lifespan and ROI of your content by allowing viewers to access it for an extended period.
Also Read: Evergreen Webinars Explained (+Top Software in This Category)

4. Asynchronous Webinars

Such webinars allow for participation and interaction at different times, which makes them ideal for audiences in various time zones or busy schedules.

  • When to Use: To cater to a geographically dispersed audience or viewers with limited time availability.
  • How to Use: Incorporate asynchronous elements like pre-recorded Q&A sections, discussion forums, or interactive polls that viewers can access and participate in at their convenience.
  • Why Use It: Enhances audience engagement by accommodating viewers’ schedules and fostering a sense of community around the content.

5.  Simulive Webinars

A blend of live and pre-recorded elements, simulive webinars create the feel of a live event while offering the benefits of pre-recorded content.

  • When to Use: When you want to simulate a live experience with a polished presentation and the ability to interact with your audience in real time.
  • How to Use: Combine pre-recorded content with live elements like Q&A sessions or live chat features to allow for real-time interaction.
  • Why Use It: Provides a dynamic and engaging experience for the audience, similar to a live webinar, without the pressure of real-time content delivery for the presenter.

How to Create a Pre-Recorded Webinar

I will show you the steps to creating a pre-recorded webinar. It’s easy if you follow the instructions I have provided.

Step 1: Planning and Scripting

  • Develop your topic and know target audience: What information do you want to share? Who will benefit from it?
  • Craft your presentation: Create a concise template outlining your talking points. Make a script out of it.
  • Prepare visuals: Create slides, screen recordings, or other visuals to enhance your presentation.

Step 2: Recording your Webinar

  • Choose a recording platform: Many free screencasting and webinar hosting platforms are available, some with paid plans. Popular options include WebinarNinja, Zoom, Demio, and eWebinar.
  • Record your presentation: Use your chosen platform to record your screen and audio as you deliver your presentation.
  • Consider editing: Depending on the platform, you may be able to edit your recording to remove mistakes or tighten up the flow.
Also Read: 11 Features Every Webinar Software Must Have

Step 3. Uploading and Hosting

  • Upload your recording: Follow the instructions of your platform to upload your recording.
  • Set up access: Determine if viewers must register beforehand and configure any access restrictions.

Step 4. Promoting and Sharing

  • Create a landing page: Design a landing page with information about your webinar, including a registration form if needed and a link to access the recording. Here’s a quick guide on the top webinar landing page ideas to take inspiration from.
  • Promote your webinar: Spread the word through email marketing, social media posts, or embedding the registration link on your website.

Additional Tips:

  • Boost engagement: For pre-recorded webinars, consider incorporating interactive elements like polls, quizzes, or CTAs to keep viewers engaged.
  • Provide additional resources: To add value for your audience, offer downloadable materials, links to relevant articles, or follow-up Q&A sessions.

By following these steps and using the right tools, you can create a compelling pre-recorded webinar that effectively reaches your target audience.

Use Cases of Pre-Recorded Webinars

Pre-recorded webinars offer a flexible and powerful way to reach your audience and achieve your goals. 

Here’s how:

  • Showcase Products With Ease: Create product demos that viewers can watch anytime, anywhere. This empowers potential customers to learn about your offerings at their convenience.
  • Empower Your Customers: Educate customers on getting the most out of your products or services with pre-recorded webinars. This improves customer satisfaction and product adoption.
  • Automate Sales and Nurture Leads: Use pre-recorded webinars to nurture leads and guide them through the sales funnel automatically. This frees up your sales team to focus on closing deals.
  • Instant Access to Demos: Provide on-demand product demos for prospects who are eager to learn more. This shortens the sales cycle and keeps them engaged.
  • Streamline Onboarding: Onboard new hires efficiently with consistent pre-recorded training webinars. This ensures everyone gets the same information and reduces onboarding time.
  • Employee Training: Deliver ongoing training to your team using pre-recorded webinars. This guarantees all employees have access to the latest information and keeps your workforce skilled.
  • Self-Paced Online Courses: They offer online courses that learners can take at their own pace, perfect for educational institutions and trainers. They cater to diverse learning styles and schedules.
  • On-Demand Learning Resources: Provide on-demand guides through pre-recorded webinars for complex products or services. This empowers users to troubleshoot issues and learn advanced features independently.
  • Efficient Customer Onboarding: Onboard large groups of customers with pre-recorded webinars. This ensures everyone receives the same introductory information consistently.
  • Customer Support Resource Bank: Build a library of pre-recorded webinars as a customer support resource. This empowers customers to find answers to common questions and solve problems independently.

Top 5 Pre-Recorded Webinar Platforms 

Now, to maximize the impact of your pre-recorded webinars, let’s delve into the best platforms to host them!

1. WebinarNinja

Best All-in-One Webinar Solution for Teaching, Marketing & Selling

I love WebinarNinja! It makes running webinars so much easier. As someone who focuses on delivering content, I hate getting bogged down by the technical side of things. WebinarNinja’s user-friendly interface takes care of all that. 

WebinarNinja is the best pre-recorded webinar software for coaches, trainers, and educators. Its ease of use and affordable pricing make it a popular choice for delivering online courses with a mix of live and pre-recorded content. 

Plus, it offers so much variety! Whether I want to do a live session, an automated one, or even a paid webinar, WebinarNinja has me covered. It even helps with the marketing side of things with built-in landing pages and email sequences.

WebinarNinja empowers you to keep your audience engaged with interactive features like live polls and open question lists.

WebinarNinja prioritizes what matters most: connecting with your audience. By streamlining the technical setup and execution of webinars, WebinarNinja enables users to focus on delivering exceptional content.


Offers a Free Automated Webinar Challenge that helps you get your evergreen webinars up and running during the free trial. Paid options start at $24/month

2. Livestorm

Best for Virtual Events for Enterprise Needs 


You know the struggle is real when you have to deliver high-impact virtual events. Setting everything up can be a time-consuming hassle that takes away from what truly matters: creating a professional and engaging experience for your audience.

Livestorm offers a comprehensive suite of features specifically designed to meet the needs of enterprises. Forget the pre-event scramble – Livestorm’s enterprise-grade video conferencing is ready to go at the click of a button. 

But Livestorm goes beyond basic functionality. They understand that enterprises require a functional platform and exceptional support, so they provide VIP treatment with white-glove services. 

This includes dedicated Customer Success Managers who become an extension of your team, personalized training to ensure you get the most out of the platform, and even executive business reviews to analyze your event performance and identify areas for improvement.


Starts at $0 (Limited to 30 active contacts/month). Paid plan starts at $79/month.

3. Demio

Best for Webinar Engagement Analytics 


Now part of the Banzai family, Demio offers an ROI-driven webinar platform. Trusted globally, Demio helps users in marketing, sales, or customer success become pipeline heroes. 

With Demio, you can analyze registrants, attendee engagement, and participation in polls and chats. This platform provides insights on attendee focus and drop-off points, helping you refine your strategy.

Demio’s analytics feature segments contacts and tracks registration origins, providing valuable data on channel success. Integrated UTM tracking in email notifications helps monitor marketing effectiveness. You can also export webinar data to merge with your CRM, driving engaged attendees further in their buying journey.

Users praise Demio for its reliability, user-friendly interface, and support team. It simplifies webinar hosting, allowing you to focus on content. Demio’s features, such as automated emails and event recordings, make it an essential tool for effective webinars and improved user experiences.


Starts at $49/organizer/month

4. GoToWebinar

Best for Hosting Large-Scale Webinars with Meeting Software


GoToWebinar offers a robust platform for hosting large-scale webinars. It supports events like remote employee training and full-scale conferences, which accommodate 3,000 attendees. 

Participants can join webcasts directly from their browsers, eliminating the need for downloads. Enterprise-grade security protects both data and events.

The interactive features include HD video, clear audio, customizable registration forms, and tools for creating polls and quizzes, which help maintain high audience engagement. The platform also provides insightful analytics and powerful integrations for lead tracking and optimization of event strategy.

For monetization, GoToWebinar allows secure payment acceptance through Stripe and the option to host recorded webinars on GoToStage to attract a broader audience. 


Starts at $49/organizer /month

5. EasyWebinar

Best for Simple Automated Webinars 


EasyWebinar is another best pre-recorded webinar software that helps with webinar management. With its automated webinar feature, you can convert live webinars into evergreen events that generate leads and customers around the clock. These webinars run without being date-specific, allowing you to focus on other tasks while your webinars work for you. 

The platform mimics live event experiences through real-time streaming, creating a sense of urgency and commitment among viewers. It includes advanced analytics and reporting, helping you segment your audience and tailor your events. 

Additional features like on-demand event access, dynamic “next available” sessions, and the ability to embed registration boxes on your web pages streamline the process.

EasyWebinar also integrates with social platforms like Facebook and YouTube through EasyCast, expanding your reach. With customizable webinar pages, built-in email notifications, and third-party tracking pixel integration, EasyWebinar provides a comprehensive solution to boost your business.


Free plan available (limited to 10 attendees). Starts at $80/host

Also Read: Best EasyWebinar Alternatives & Competitors

Ready to Create Your First Pre-Recorded Webinar?

A pre-recorded webinar offers a range of benefits: flexibility, wider reach, and evergreen content. 

But how do you tap into this goldmine? WebinarNinja offers a user-friendly platform and a free automated webinar challenge to jumpstart your journey. 

Capitalize the power of pre-recorded webinars and see your audience grow. Don’t miss out! Claim your free challenge and watch your content delivery strategy soar.

Want to host a webinar for free?

Use WebinarNinja to teach, improve marketing, and grow your sales.

WebinarNinja Editorial Team

About the author

WebinarNinja Editorial Team

WebinarNinja Editorial Team is a passionate group of experts dedicated to improving your webinar experiences with top-notch content. We stay ahead of the curve on trends, tackle technical hurdles, and provide practical tips to boost your business. With our commitment to quality and integrity, you can be confident you're getting the most reliable resources to enhance your webinars.