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How to Craft a Winning Webinar Marketing Strategy

The coaching industry market size is estimated to be $20 billion.

With means that there are gazillions of coaches, all competing for the audience’s attention. 

This presents a challenge – having to find a marketing channel that cuts the distance between you and your audience, quickly

To differentiate yourself from the crowd, you have to get more substantive. More personal. More…proven. 

Webinars fit the bill – helping you get heard through all the noise and being on the side of an effective marketing channel that hasn’t been widely adopted yet.

In this blog, we’ll discuss how leveraging webinars for marketing opens a window of opportunity for coaches, consultants, and marketers. We’ll delve deeper into a few best practices for webinar marketing and know why webinars are more than just creating “content.”

Before we discuss this further, let’s quickly watch how webinar software takes away the tech hassles and provides easy interactivity tools to hook your audience.

Webinar Stats for Businesses

According to a study by the Content Marketing Institute (CMI), while B2B companies have embraced webinars, B2C companies have yet to follow suit, and webinars barely crack the top 10 content types used. 

Overall, webinars are the 2nd-best lead generator and 3rd-best converter, according to the CMI study.

Despite their proven effectiveness, B2C companies rarely use webinars. But the numbers speak for themselves:

  • 35% of visitors convert to registrants on landing pages.
  • 33-40% of registrants attend the webinar (and this can increase).
  • A decent conversion rate (sale, trial, etc.) is around 15%.

Now run the numbers: 1,000 visitors translate to 300 registrants, 100 attendees, and 15 new clients. Extrapolate that for regular webinars, the impact is clear: webinars create clients.

We don’t need endless studies to see the truth – webinars are powerful client magnets.

What is Webinar Marketing

Webinar marketing refers to the strategic use of webinars to market products, services, and brands or enhance their visibility.

Imagine successfully attracting an audience and giving an online workshop or presentation to a group interested in your offerings. But how successfully you can attract and convince them to choose what you offer – that’s precisely what webinar marketing is!

It’s a way to use these “webinars” to reach new people, promote your business, and establish yourself as an expert.

You can do it live or pre-recorded using webinar software, but the idea is to give relevant, valuable information and let people know about your product, service, or brand. 

It’s like having a mini online event where you can connect with potential clients and show them why your offer is great!

Also Read: What is a Webinar?

Why Every Coach Needs to Start Webinar Marketing Early

No doubt, traditional marketing strategies like blogging, email marketing, and social media are relevant, but they have reached the point of saturation. Everyone uses it, making it harder for the rest of us to be heard.

Today, you need a rare unicorn in the marketing world – a channel that works but isn’t overused yet.

Enter webinars. 

While not the “new blog” quite yet, webinars connect with potential clients on a deeper level directly in their living rooms.

Imagine establishing trust, showcasing your expertise, and becoming a forerunner in a soon-to-be booming and original (relatively) marketing strategy. This is where coaches can make a move before everyone else catches on.

You can be the one people look back on in 20 years and say “Damn, I should’ve started doing webinars back in the day,” the way we look at those early bloggers and “influencers” that everyone is trying to be now.

So, webinars are your window of opportunity. Take it before someone else does.

Why Use Webinars for Coaching

In a recent post, I explained why webinars work in general. They build trust.

Turns out, for coaches, trust is much more crucial than it is for people selling software or kitchen gadgets.

Why? You’re dealing with personal problems, vulnerabilities, and dreams – stuff people are desperate for but often afraid to talk about, let alone place in the hands of a stranger. 

You’re not selling a product; you’re selling hope and transformation. Therefore, building trust is paramount, not the need for likes and shares.

If you’re in the coaching industry, you know that the greatest revenue-to-time ratio comes from individual private clients.

Sure, courses, team coaching, and group sessions are part of the game, but the ideal scenario is fewer clients with higher fees. This requires deep human connection.

Think about it: how much connection can you build in an hour compared to a static post? 

Imagine a virtual room full of engaged faces, asking questions and experiencing the real you.

In coaching, you are the product; you are the brand. Webinars help you connect, build trust, and showcase your true self, leading to fewer clients and higher impact.

Webinar Marketing – 7 Steps Playbook for Coaches 

Getting started is easy! Continue building personal brand awareness as you normally do, but incorporate webinars into your strategy.

1. Choose Your Webinar Type

Webinars can be of different types – live, automated, hybrid, and series. Choose them for your needs wisely.

Live webinars are awesome for open Q&A sessions (think live AMA, what Reddit would call an “Ask Me Anything” session!) and are perfect for when you can prep answers beforehand.

Alternatively, you can do a live “lesson” webinar tackling a specific pain point.

But if you want to reach more people and generate tons of leads, automated webinars are your go-to options. People can watch them anytime, anywhere!

No matter which format you choose, remember: your goal is to give attendees a small “win” related to their biggest challenges. This small victory will leave them wanting more, which is where you come in as the coach with the answer.

Want to learn more about live webinars and how to host them?

2. Create a Killer Sales Webinar 

This is an opportunity to turn your viewers into clients. Craft killer webinars that address a specific challenge your audience struggles with. 

Then, confidently present your course, group coaching, or other offering as the powerful solution, the “win” that guides them towards success. 

Live webinars pack a punch, statistically converting at much higher rates than automated ones. 

Go live with a sales webinar, connect with your audience, and watch your business grow!

Real-Life Sales Webinar Success Story 

HubSpot has created some killer sales webinars like Demystifying Email Authentication and Deliverability Changes with HubSpot, HubSpot Q2 Product Roundup, Spotlight on Sales Virtual Summit – May 4, etc. to connect with its audience for lead generation and customer education.
Similarly, Hootsuite’s “Social Media Strategy Webinar” initiative leverages webinars to educate potential customers about effective social media strategies.

3. Promote Your Webinars Through Social Media, Registration Forms,  and Landing Page

This is where you’re already winning before the webinar even starts. 

How? By growing your email list organically. Registration requires email signup, which naturally grows your list.

While promoting your webinar through social media and registration forms is crucial, creating a compelling landing page boosts conversions significantly. Here, a good landing page or registration form builder offers a solution.

These tools provide access to pre-designed templates that incorporate conversion-focused strategies. You can easily customize the templates with your branding elements to create unique landing pages that align with your audience and drive registrations.

Learn more about webinar creation and promotion strategies in our 30-day automated webinar challenge.

Get started with the challenge for FREE!

4. Create Compelling Webinar Offers

Design irresistible offers that align with your audience’s needs and interests. In these, highlight exclusive deals, limited-time discounts, or valuable bonuses that attendees can’t resist. 

Use your webinar software to create urgency and emphasize scarcity – these psychological triggers can significantly boost conversions. 

Segment your audience to deliver personalized offers that resonate with each registrant, ensuring they see the true value of what you’re offering.

5. Follow up With Email Campaigns for Registrants and Attendees

Don’t let your registrants and attendees miss out on the opportunity! 

Follow up with registrants who didn’t attend your live webinar by offering a replay – a goldmine for sales conversions!. 

For everyone else, including attendees who didn’t purchase, offer the replay too, but sweeten the deal by reminding them of your sales offer. That’s where your webinar software can help you segment your lists and target the right message to the right person.

6. Host Regular Webinars to Have an Open Dialogue

Consider hosting exclusive “Open Q&A” webinars just for your clients! 

Hosting regular webinars to boost client engagement is a great idea where you can chat directly and build stronger bonds with your clients.

Let’s try to run this with a scenario where you are a digital marketing manager and want to address your clients with an open dialogue webinar. Here is what you can tackle a challenge and provide solutions with an open dialogue session.

Challenge: Small business owners facing website traffic struggles.Solution: Host a recurring “Boost Your Website Traffic: An Open Dialogue Session” webinar.Session format:10-15 minutes: Briefly introduce common website traffic issues and solutions (non-sales).Open Q&A:Encourage questions through chat, polls, or pre-submission.Address specific website traffic concerns raised by attendees.Subtly Integrate Sales: During responses, offer practical tips and insights while highlighting how your product/service can effectively address the mentioned challenges.

7. Create Exclusive Sales Webinars for Top Clients 

The next obvious step in the funnel is to host an exclusive sales webinar for your top-tier, one-on-one coaching session. 

This invitation-only event is your chance to unlock the next level for your clients. These clients have already purchased from you, seen the results, and are ready to take the next step.

Here, you can share exclusive content and personalized solutions, plus answer your questions live. 

Grow Your Business With Webinars. Get Started With WebinarNinja Today!

Teach Better & Grow Sales With Webinars 

💡Pro Tip: Develop the relationships you form during your webinars. Gather testimonials to use in future campaigns.

While the objective of webinar marketing strategy is to promote sales, which is great, but don’t forget – webinars are also about building relationships and credibility.

It’s about going deeper than content. Don’t just present through your webinars, but teach. A powerful webinar solution like WebinarNinja with interactive features like chat, polls, Q&As, and more can help you achieve this. 

Your consistent, valuable lessons will go the extra mile to create a cumulative effect and establish you as an authority. Your clients will know you’re for real because they’ll have experienced you beyond the “content!”

Want to host a webinar for free?

Use WebinarNinja to teach, improve marketing, and grow your sales.

Omar Zenhom

About the author

Omar Zenhom - Founder, WebinarNinja |

Omar Zenhom founded WebinarNinja, an all-inclusive, easy-to-use webinar platform to teach, improve marketing, and grow sales. With over a decade of experience in entrepreneurship, Omar brings a wealth of practical insights into generating passive leads and sales with webinars. Omar and WebinarNinja have been featured in Inc, Forbes, Fast Company, Entrepreneur, and Product Hunt. He is also the host of the Best of iTunes podcast - The $100 MBA Show.