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20 Best Webinar Landing Page Examples to Take Inspiration From

Like a product or service landing page that helps convert visitors into leads or customers by encouraging a specific action, a webinar landing page encourages visitors to register for and attend a webinar. The latter plays a crucial role in the overall success of a webinar campaign by effectively communicating the value of the event...
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An Ultimate Webinar Checklist: How to Create a Successful Webinar in 2024

Over the years, I’ve hosted hundreds of webinars. And guess what — some of them have been more successful than others. But CONSISTENCY has never been an issue for me. Why? That’s because I’ve mastered a baseline of quality from doing so many reps. The secret? My webinar checklist. Hosting webinars is not equal to...
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How to Wow Your Attendees With Canva Webinar Templates

On webinars, visuals matter as much as words. Those of us who aren’t graphic designers need easy ways to communicate visually.  Fortunately Canva* is changing the game — again. When Canva debuted, it replaced Photoshop (no offense, Photoshop) as the go-to tool for creating images, with almost no learning curve. Now, Canva is boxing out...
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How to Create Webinars That Convert [8+ Proven Examples]

Webinars are like any other marketing tool. They work best when the goal is to trigger the right action at the right time.  Do you want people to… Whatever the goal, use the right type of webinar for that goal.  Live or automated? Solo or co-hosted? Paid or free? Think of this guide as your...
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The Best Tools for Webinars [Using the Right Hardware]

Yes, you can just use your computer’s camera and mic for a webinar. But no, you shouldn’t. When you decide to make webinars part of your business strategy, go all in and do it right! While webinars are the perfect tool to build trust by being all personable and relatable, you still want to come...
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What is the Best Time for a Webinar?

Ever noticed how timing can make or break just about anything? Whether it’s comedy, cooking, or… webinars! Yes, diving into the digital world of webinars, we’ve discovered a golden nugget – the “best time for a webinar,” which is not just a detail; it’s the backbone of your event’s success. Stick with us as we...
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The DIY Webinar Background Guide

We’ve all seen one: a not-exactly-professional scene in the background of a webinar or online meeting.  Whether it’s the stuff of classic memes or just a little too “home” and not enough “work,” the awkward online background is becoming a COVID-era staple. We understand that a lot of people are new to the whole remote...
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How to Craft a Winning Webinar Marketing Strategy

“If you’re a good marketing person, you have to be a little crazy.”— James Metcalf, Former Chairman, Cornerstone Building Brands Inc. In the crazy world of marketing, establishing two-way communication with customers can always yield better outcomes. Enters webinar marketing. Now, you can use webinars to promote your products, services, and businesses like crazy and...
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How to Create Webinar Presentation Slides

Live or automated, your our webinar presentation slides are the heart of your webinars. It’s the roadmap for your whole presentation. It keeps you grounded, on track, and moving steadily towards the goal (that’d be sales conversions). So, let’s nail it. Based on my experience with WebinarNinja, let’s explore the structure, key elements, and flow...
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How to Create Webinar Registration Pages That Convert

Imagine this: You’ve spent weeks crafting the perfect webinar: killer topic, amazing slides, A-list speaker. You hit “publish” on the registration page… and crickets. Sound familiar? Many webinar creators face the same frustration: low sign-ups despite an excellent presentation. But the good news is, there’s a way to turn things around. You can create a...
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